
Welcome to the 新MG线上电子游戏 政策 website. The University’s policy environment is designed to enhance the University’s mission, promote operational efficiency 和 effectiveness, 降低机构风险. The University's official 政策库 is maintained 和 managed by the Department of Enterprise Risk Management 和 the Office of Business 和 Financial Affairs. Enterprise Risk Management 和 Business 和 Financial Affairs also staff 和 manage the 政策谘询委员会 (PAC) which reviews 和 submits for approval to the Chancellor 和/or the Board of Trustees, all University policies that have campus-wide application.

The development 和 maintenance of a robust, comprehensive policy environment communicates the University’s values 和 expectations to members of the University community. University policies are applicable campus-wide 和 provide the foundation of University operations. These policies support the University’s commitment to diversity, 股本, 和 inclusion by promoting an inclusive academic culture, supporting 和 retaining diverse faculty 和 staff, 和 providing equitable foundational principles for operations.

We encourage all community members to use this site as the main source for University-wide policies, as it will feature the most current information 和 updates on all policy-related items.

Many departmental or 区分 policies 和 程序, 虽然有用而且重要, 不符合上述标准和, 因此, are not considered University policies. 类似的, oversight of the development 和 implementation of policies, 程序, 的指导方针, 和 st和ards pertinent to specific University groups fall to the governing body for such constituency. 例子包括 Guidelines on Appointment, Promotion, 和 Tenure (教务委员会),教务委员会办公室 Research 和 Sponsored Programs 政策 (ORSP)以及 荣誉准则 (Office of Student Rights 和 Responsibilities). 所有的部门, 区分, 和 group-specific  policies 和 程序 must be consistent with University policies.

If there is a discrepancy between a division version of a policy 和 a University Policy, the version posted to the University 政策库 被认为是官方政策吗.


探索 a searchable database of University policies. 


Learn how University policies are developed, then review 和 provide feedback on recently approved new policies 和 policy revisions.


Find information on how we develop, authorize 和 implement policies across the University.


The University’s 政策谘询委员会 is a st和ing University committee whose role is to advise the University community on policy development, to review 和 approve proposals for new policies 和 policy revisions, to ensure that policies are properly approved 和 implemented, 和 generally to support the policy development 和 implementation process at the University.

View 政策谘询委员会 Charter


罗莎琳Feagins, 政策谘询委员会 Chair, Assistant Treasurer, Business 和 Financial Affairs

玛吉Heyduk, Manager of Professional Advising, Graduate School of Social Work

贝丝Robischon, Senior Associate General Counsel, Office of General Counsel

珍妮特Burkhardt助理副校长 for University Financial Services

丹尼斯·莫里斯·贝克尔, Registrar, Office of the Registrar

马克Derham Clery 和 Compliance Coordinator, Department of 校园 Safety

杰夫的银行, Vice Chancellor for Human Resources

吉姆没有人Director, Employee 和 Labor Relations, Human Resources 和 Inclusive Community

院长Saitta, Director of Urban Studies; Professor, Anthropology, Department of Anthropology

阿兰Bouit助理副校长 & Chief Information Security Officer, IT Infrastructure

埃里克•哈特曼 Executive Director, Enterprise Risk Management
